January 20, 2009

Evangelical's Rick Warren

Now we know what kind of Christianity will converge with the one world religion. It will be emergent ministries that are the product of Arminian American Evangelicalism. It comes from Fuller Theological Seminary. It is Church Growth Ministries with missionary emphasis. It is Evangelistic. It has a SBC flare about it! It carries an Adrian Rogers endorsement.

The religions it emerges with carries a temporary acceptance of "one man one woman marriage" but we all know this will just be a honeymoon thing. In fact the honeymoon has already been soiled by a gay activist prayer partner with Warren who will pray first.

"Blest be the ties that binds..."

edit to add: Reverend Lowery, not a gay prayer partner, offered the closing prayer.


Anonymous said...

Rick Warren, who supports Gays having the same proprty rights as married couples, a wolf in sheep's clothing, is part of Obama's DOCTRINE OF INCLUSIVENESS, which will soon form the one world church, and one world government.

WatchingHISstory said...


Anonymous said...

hey charles:

couldn't agree any more....

WatchingHISstory said...

Thanks Phil

I like your blog! Good Memphis music