October 16, 2008

Belated Speculations

Any notion that every thing was harmonious at Bellevue before Steve Gaines came is preposterous. Of coarse this is my speculation based on observations for the past one and half years and some interesting interviews.

Again Dr Rogers was kept out of the light, intentionally or unintentionally. His recommendation for Dr Gaines was well known. However the behind the back arrangements with the 10 members of the Pastor Search Committee: Chuck Taylor, Chairman, Harry Smith, Vice Chairman, Faye Hardy, Steve Tucker, Eric Brand, Bryan Miller, Bob Sorrell, Jeff Arnold, JR.,
Mark Spiller and PatCaldwell reveal the lack of unity with Adrian Rogers.

It is my speculation and mine alone, but when the committee went to Steve Gaines they let him know that there were two people who would have to go immediately, Jim Whitmire and Rob Mullins, perhaps the two closest friends of Dr. Rogers at Bellevue. The music and the College and Career ministries had to be changed immediately. Jim Whitmire and Rob Mullins lacked the leadership for Bellevue's new direction. Both of these men suffered greatly, emotionally, in the way this transition occurred.

Perhaps it was not the whole committee but rather a few of the members of the committee.
From the beginning Jamie Parker was the pick for Whitmire's replacement. This desire for Jamie was so strong that perhaps Steve Gaines was merely Jamie Parker's pastor! This transition lacked any semblance to Christianity rather it was a corporate boardroom strategy.

This committee was asking Dr Gaines to do the one thing that every new pastor knows he shouldn't do; implement major changes within the first year. I am sure that this caught Dr. and Mrs. Rogers off guard as well. Even though he died before Whitmire retired he must have suspected the drastic change. The pulpit committee's strategy successfully made it appear that all this was Steve Gaines' wishes.

Indeed Steve Gaines inherited a mess!


bigdipper said...

These types of staff changes usually occur in smaller church situations. I have known of several pastors that request all staff members submit their resignations so he has the oppertunity to interview and rehire those he chooses.
Like I said this is usually a truth for smaller churches. Maybe what this shows is the "small" mentallity and spirit of SG

Anonymous said...

So Sherlock who is the "Mr Potter" that runs Bellevue?

Do you know why, Bruce Brooke who once was the Chariman of the Board of Directors (or President) 2007, disappeared?

WatchingHISstory said...





anon are any of these relevant to Bruce Brooke's dissapearance!

WatchingHISstory said...

In my efforts to reach Steve Gainies I could not get futher than David Coombs. He would not let me see him.

He yields a lot of executived, administrative power. "ordianed secretary" much like a Catholic secretary to the Pope!

WatchingHISstory said...

but my guess is that he aint Mr Potter!

WatchingHISstory said...

Is the Sherlock greeting an attitude problem?

or just a meaningless greeting.

I don't time for someone with an attitude.

Anonymous said...

Attitude problem?
'Whatcha talkin bout?'

I thought it was a compliment, so calm down.

No this does not have anything to do with those web sites, only that he was there and now he's gone (why?), and this even after Steve Gaines came in Sept 2005.

So you can't thru David Coombs, seems like the same old thing that you accuse Adrian of is happening even now.

WatchingHISstory said...

I am steadying my heart. I just wanted clarrification, it is hard to deal with people with attitude problems. Thanks

So doesn't this prove my point that I am not attacking Rogers personally but his theology and methodology? I have always said I don't make distinctions between Steve and him.

You are not imply a mysterious disappearance of Brooke are you?
That is the first response I had when I enquired! ha ha Brooke is another Hoffa!